Convert MicroMV Video Tape to Mp4/DVD/Digital -whatsapp 90660631
Post Date: 2024-11-2 18:43, Expiry Date: 2025-1-31 18:43, IP:, visits:1575
MicroMV was a proprietary videotape format introduced in 2001 by Sony. This videocassette is physically smaller than a Digital8 or DV cassette. In fact, MicroMV is the smallest video tape format — 70% smaller than MiniDV or about the size of two US quarter coins. Each cassette can hold up to 60 minutes of video.
To preserve your precious video in the MicroMV tape from Sony MicroMV handycam(camcorder), convert it to high quality Digital file, DVD-video or Mp4. Whatsapp 65-90660631 for conversion service in Singapore.
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Block 197 Rivervale Drive Singapore 540197
(next to Rivervale Mall)
Reg. No. 52840557L