Beautifully Renovated Master room at St George

Post Date: 2024-7-3 15:01, Expiry Date: 2024-10-1 15:01, IP:, visits:185

ID: 939015

Location: Toa Payoh

Type: Wanted

Price: 2000

Phone: 9048 2424

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Newly & Cozily Renovated and Newly Furnished

Minutes to Eateries, Supermarkets, Hawker center, Bus Stop & MRT

Friendly Landlord Mum & Daughter

Preferred Professional Single or Couple

Asking $1.8k~$2k

Call 9048 2424
Raj TC ~ OrangeTee
Beautifully Renovated Master room at St George
Beautifully Renovated Master room at St George

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