Can't seem to find the right tutor?
Post Date: 2025-3-11 19:58, Expiry Date: 2025-6-9 19:58, IP:, visits:71
Do you need help finding the right tutor for your child or yourself? Fret not!
We have a vast range of tutors that teach different levels from Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, Junior College, Polytechnics, and Universities.
The benefits of getting a Tutor from us:
1. We are managed by an experienced tuition company that has been in this line for the past years.
2. Get up to 20% discount for EPH assessment books
3. Accumulate points for every dollar you spend and redeem them for a shopping voucher
4. Get free e-Learning/ Full access to past assessment papers from all levels & subjects from various
schools. [The usual price is $49.90/month]
Not looking for academic tutoring? We also have an extensive list of miscellaneous courses such as Sports, Languages, Dance & many more!
Simply reach out to Rena via Whatsapp (9853-0225) with your requirements, and I'll help you source a tutor that fits your requirements.